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Support for Genos2 players

Genos2 product upgrades - completion on January 17, 2024

Hooray - we are finally through after a 2 1/2 month upgrade marathon! :-)

Below you can read what has been done and when we recommend an upgrade version.
Please request your upgrade here  and re-download our folder hierarchy for your Genos2 - it has also been updated!

Kind regards from Heidrun & Charly

Not yet processed

Actually in progress / Next in line

No update needed for Genos -> Genos2: You can continue to use the files unchanged.
All other keyboards: Update to the Ge2 version.
Be careful: Due to the new file extensions, links in your private Registrations and playlists may need to be updated!

Update finished - and recommended


Style Finder (Competely new with very much effort during many weeks)

Instrumental Inspirations - Brass Band (New effects)
Instrumental Inspirations - Christmas (Many new voices and new effects)
Instrumental Inspirations - Classical Choir (New effects)
Instrumental Inspirations - Country Western (Mainly new guitars, pianos and effects)
Instrumental Inspirations - Dixieland Ragtime (Mainly new pianos and effects)
Instrumental Inspirations - Love Ballad Piano (New piano voices and effects)
Instrumental Inspirations - Meditation (New effects)
Instrumental Inspirations - Pipe Organ (New cathedral reverb and a little additional gift on Registration 10)
Instrumental Inspirations - Schlager (Mainly new guitars, pianos and effects)
Instrumental Inspirations - Symphony Orchestra Plus (Mainly effect-optimized)
Accompaniment Sounds 1 (Voice volumes and effects optimized)
Ballroom Edition 1 - Standard (Everything optimized as best as possible with new Styles, Voices, effects, Multipads - where it made sense)
Ballroom Edition 2 - Latein (Everything optimized as best as possible with new Styles, Voices, effects, Multipads - where it made sense)
Ballroom Edition 3 - World (Everything optimized as best as possible with new Styles, Voices, effects, Multipads - where it made sense)
Best of Bert Kaempfert (Completely reviced - you will hear it!)
Best of Glenn Miller (Effects adaption)
Famous Rock Ballads 1 (Complete upgraded with new voices, effects and also better Styles, where it made sense)
Famous Rock Songs 1 (Optimized volumes and Style substitute of Reg bank 2, Reg. 8)
German Carnival (Completely optimized)
James Last - Party and Dreams
KrynerBlech Bank ((In addition to mix and effects in 1, 2 and 3 voices, better balanced. Try out the harmony function!))
Kryner-Stubn (Remixed and tried out for hours! *LOL*)
Lead Instruments (Upgrade with much effort - all parts are optimized. No longer usage of Tyros5 Preset Styles which had to be part of our folder hierarchy)
Musica Libra Bank 1 (Only the links to the Genos2 version of the Musica Libra Style had to be upgraded)
Mystic (Some voices and volumes had to be adapted)
Orchestra Libra Bank 1 (Only the links to the Genos2 version of the Orchestra Libra Style had to be upgraded)
Rhythmical FreePlay - Orchester & Harfe (Mainly volumes and effects optimized)
Rhythmical Left Hand - 8-Beat & Guitar (Upgrade not needed)
Samba Registration Bank (Optimized instrumentations and effects. Reg. 8 is no longer an Ensemble Voice.)
Traum-Balladen (Some new voices - and new effects)
Weihnachtsträume (Fully reviced and optimized also with the new Styles, Voices and effects)
Wonderful Accordion - Volume 1 (All optimized what was important: Voices, effekcts, mixer, Style choice and revoice, ...)
Wonderful Accordion - Volume 2 (All optimized what was important: Voices, effekcts, mixer, Style choice and revoice, ...)
Wonderful Saxophone (Very extensive upgrade with all what makes this pack better sounding as before)
World Of Music (Some better voices - and new effects)



 4-4 Oberkrainer
 3-4 Oberkrainer

 3-4 KrynerMusi 1 - Session
4-4 KrynerMusi 1 - Session
3-4 KrynerMusi 2 - Pro
4-4 KrynerMusi 2 - Pro

3-4 KrynerBlech 1 - Session
4-4 KrynerBlech 1 - Session
3-4 KrynerBlech 2 - Pro
4-4 KrynerBlech 2 - Pro

Zackig Boarisch 1 - Session
Zackig Boarisch 2 - Pro

Symphonic Flow

4-4 Piano-Buddy 1 (new CFX Grand Piano in Style and OTS, new effects, optimized OTS)
4-4 Piano-Buddy 2 (new CFX Grand Piano in Style and OTS, new effects, optimized OTS)
3-4 Piano-Buddy 3 (Style more dynamic, new CFX Grand Piano in Style and OTS, new effects, optimized OTS)
6-8 Piano-Buddy 4 (Style more dynamic, new CFX Grand Piano in Style and OTS, new effects, optimized OTS)

Brass Band Libra (Voices, effects und mix optimized)
Cathedral Libra (new effects)
Eglisia Libra (new effects)
Musica Libra (new effects, optimized OTS)
Orchestra Libra (new effects, optimized OTS)

4-4 Folk Swing & Straight (New voices, effects, partially Midi data in drums and piano more dynamic)
Balladina (new voices and effects in Style and OTS)
Chilled 16Beat (Optimized OTS, new reverb, more dynamic mix of the Style parts)
Chilled Bossa (Piano and guitar voice and effects new)
DixieRag (Style and OTS with new instrumentts and effects, new mix)
German March (New mix, also with new effects)
Happy Beat (Style and OTS are revoiced and remixed with much effort. Also some Midi data have been added)
Hitmix Dance (Very complex upgrade also with new Midi data, instrumentation, effects, OTS, ...)
KrainerPolka (Genos2 does not offer any new instruments in this genre that would be useful for thisSstyle)
Orchestral English Waltz (Midi data partially new, new drum set and effects, OTS and effect revised)
Pferdeschlittenfahrt (Now with Ambience Drums)
Real 6-8 - Orchestral (OTS reviced, new effects... whow, goose bumps!!!!)
Rheinländer Nostalgie (Effects and OTS instrumentation optimized)
Rheinländer traditionell (Effects and OTS instrumentation optimized)
Romantic Slow Waltz (Drums Midi data reviced, new effects and Multipads, OTS partially new)
Samba Amor (Effects and OTS instrumentation optimized)
Sinfonico (OTS reviced, new effects)
Stuben-Boarischer und String Swing (new effects, new Guitar, OTS reviced)
Stubenwalzer (Style voices optimized, OTS reviced, new effects)
Tanzl-Boarischer (Effects and OTS instrumentation optimized)
Universal 8-Beat & Swing (New effects)

Midifile & MP3

With these arranged Midifiles, you could only make the sound worse - update not necessary.
If you want, you can revoice yourself with other voices or effects, for example using the Midifile Optimizer from Midiland.

A Wiener Bua
Aber Heidschi Bumbeidschi
Alle Jahre wieder
Alle Vögel sind schon da
Alpenrose aus Mittersill
Amar Pelos Dois
Amazing Grace - Ein schöner Tag
Auf der Streif
Auf der Vogelwiese
Bozner Bergsteigermarsch
Cherry Lady
Da Summa is aussi
Das Hobellied
Denk an mich
Der alte Sünder
Der Weg zum Herzen
Der Weihnachtsmann kommt heute in die Stadt - Santa Claus Is Coming To Town
Der Weihnachtsmann sah aus wie Papa
Die Nachtigall
Die Zeit war schön - Danny Boy / Londonderry Air
Drunt in der Lobau
Du entschuldige, i kenn di
Du hast'n Freund in mir - You've Got A Friend In Me
Du musst alles vergessen
Ein Stern, der deinen Namen trägt
Es wird scho glei dumpa / Es wird schon gleich dunkel
Freunde, ja heute feiern wir
Für dich allein
Grüaß di Gott, Frau Wirtin
Gute Freunde kann niemand trennen
Guten Abend gut Nacht
Hab oft im Kreise der Lieben
Heut kommen d'Engerln auf Urlaub nach Wien
Hiaz fangen wir zum Singen an
I liassat Kirsch'n für di wachs'n ohne Kern
I'll Be Home For Christmas
Ich schenk dir diesen Tag
Illusionen - If I Never Sing Another Song
Im Prater blüh'n wieder die Bäume
In die Berg bin i gern
In einem kleinen Café in Hernals
Ja ja der Wein ist gut
Jo weil du so sche tonzn konnst
Kein schöner Land
Leise rieselt der Schnee
Lichtentaler Marsch
Mei Engel auf Erden bist du
Mei Muatterl war a Weanerin
Mein Heimatland
Mit Klarinetten unterwegs
Mondscheinwalzer - Glocken der Heimat
Operetten-Medley 1
Rainer Marsch
Ramona - Liebe mich
Red Roses For A Blue Lady
Rosi Polka
Sag beim Abschied leise Servus
Sie hieß Mary-Ann
Stellt's meine Ross' in Stall
Still still still
Stille Nacht
Träumendes Mädchen
Wandrin' Star
Was ist denn schon dabei
Wenn der Herrgott net will
Wiener Fiakerlied
Wienerlieder Medley 1
Wir können nicht verlieren
Wir wünschen euch ein frohes Fest * Auld Lang Syne * Nehmt Abschied Brüder
Wo der Wildbach rauscht
Your Man
Zwei Herzen im Dreivierteltakt

The Music Score Midifile Midifiles got the new piano voice and effects:

Music Score Midifile - Bummel-Petrus
Music Score Midifile - Highland Cathedral
Music Score Midifile - Can`'t Help Falling In Love

The Solo Piano Accompaniment Midifiles got new piano and guitar voices and effects.

SoloPiano Accompaniments - Bunt sind schon die Wälder
SoloPiano Accompaniments - Hohe Tannen + Wahre Freundschaft soll nicht wanken

There is now a new reverb for these two Midifile packages, otherwise they are unchanged:

Sound Pictures - Mystic
30 Live Tuschs

Learning Packs

Important information about the learning packages:

Generally, only the Registrations are updated.
In some cases, new Styles are also used if the previous ones are no longer available, have been reprogrammed so that they no longer fit, or if they don't sound good enough in comparison to actual Genos2 Preset Styles.

The Learning Midifiles remain the same.
Because they would have to be completely re-recorded and reprogrammed, which would be an insane amount of work.
The aim is to play the song itself with Style in the learning packages anyway.
And this is now possible with better sound than ever before due to the upgrade.

The Score Midifiles continue to serve as a substitute for sheet music.

Very complex, difficult upgrades, where some missing Styles had to be replaced.
Furthermore, it is not possible without the Tyros5 Style Styles - for some of them there is no alternative in the Genos2.

Lern-Kombipaket Movie Evergreens 1 - Love and Drama
Lern-Kombipaket Movie Evergreens 2 - Water and Western
Lern-Kombipaket Movie Evergreens 3 - Action
Lern-Kombipaket Movie Evergreens 4 - Musical and Cartoon

Everything revised again.

Ensemble Voice Playing - Bis wir uns wiedersehn
Ensemble Voice Playing - Dreamy Night
Ensemble Voice Playing - Komm mit und flieg
Ensemble Voice Playing - Nur noch dieses letzte Lied

Fit4Keys - Amigos Para Siempre (Complete mix of Registratio bank optimized)
Fit4Keys - Ave Maria (New mix. Attention, you still need the Tyros5 Style "Romantiv Ballet" - there is no alternative in Genos2!)
Fit4Keys - Biscaya (Upgrade urgently required - the Style revoice of the older versions doesn't work anymore. New instrument mix)
Fit4Keys - Charmaine (New Style - the bass of the old one doesn't work anymore. New Mix)
Fit4Keys - David's Song (New Style and instrumentation are sound-optimized)
Fit4Keys - Don't Cry For Me, Argentina (New Styles and instrumentations are sound-optimized)
Fit4Keys - El Condor Pasa (Volume, effekts, Style instrumentation optimized)
Fit4Keys - Emotional Moments (New mix of instrumentations in OTS and Style with new effects)
Fit4Keys - Fading (New mix of volumes and effects in Style and OTS. Style got partially a new instrumentation)
Fit4Keys - Georgia On My Mind (OTS: Partially better voices, volumes and effects optimized)
Fit4Keys - I Have A Dream - ABBA (Volumes and effects optimized)
Fit4Keys - I Will Follow Him (New voices and effects, partially Midi data reviced)
Fit4Keys - In Motion (Partly new Style, new effects)
Fit4Keys - La Califfa (Very difficult and time-consuming upgrade because of missing Style)
Fit4Keys - La petite fille de la mer (Volumes, instrumentation and effects were optimized)
Fit4Keys - Let It Snow (New Genos2 Style, volumes and effects optimized)
Fit4Keys - Merry Christmas Wherever You Are (Volumes and effects optimized)
Fit4Keys - Mexico (Effects and Style instrumentation optimized)
Fit4Keys - Mull of Kintyre (New effects)
Fit4Keys - Muntermacher (Volumes and effects optimized)
Fit4Keys - Musette pour toi (Instrumentation, volumes and effects optimized)
Fit4Keys - Petit Papa Noël (Instrumentation und effects optimized)
Fit4Keys - Pie Jesu (Very difficult and time-consuming upgrade because of missing Style)
Fit4Keys - Schwanensee (Completely reviced, old Tyros5-Style "Romantiv Ballet" was used because there is no substitute)
Fit4Keys - Sind die Lichter angezündet (New mix)
Fit4Keys - Solveigs Lied (Very difficult and time-consuming upgrade because of missing Style)
Fit4Keys - Sunny Daydreams (New mix with instrumentation and effects)
Fit4Keys - Süßer die Glocken nie klingen (New Genos2 Style, volumes and effects optimized)
Fit4Keys - The Eagle Will Rise Again (New mix with instrumentation and effects)
Fit4Keys - The Moon Represents My Heart (New mix with instrumentation and effects)
Fit4Keys - Think Of Me - Denk an mich (New mix with instrumentation and effects)
Fit4Keys - Weihnachten bin ich zuhaus (New mix with instrumentation and effects)
Fit4Keys - White Christmas (New Genos2 Style. All optimized)
Fit4Keys - Wonderful World (Volumes, instrumentation and effects optimized)
Fit4Keys - Your Man (Volumes, instrumentation and effects optimized)

New piano voices and effects were used in the midifiles.

Fit4Keys Basics - Give Me Five
Fit4Keys Basics - Mit Links - Akkord-Noten (Piano substitute instead of guitar voices - that sounds better)
Fit4Keys Basics - Mit Links - Das Echo
Fit4Keys Basics - Mit Links - Rhythmische Akkorde - Off Beat
Fit4Keys Basics - Mit Links - Rhythmisches Piano 1
Fit4Keys Basics - Syncopes
Fit4Keys Basics - 1 - 5 - 3, mach Dich frei

The Learning Midifiles were optimized with new instruments (where it made sense) and effects.
The volume of Midi notes was also optimized here and there.

Fit4Keys - Step 1 - Song For Susy
Fit4Keys - Step 2 - Song For Roland
Fit4Keys - Step 3 - Song For Jim
Fit4Keys - Step 4 - Song For Louis
Fit4Keys - Step 5 - Song For Bodo
Fit4Keys - Step 6 - Song For Lilly
Fit4Keys - Step 7 - Song For Anna
Fit4Keys - Step 8 - Song For Ina
Fit4Keys - Step 9 - Song For Bernd
Fit4Keys - Step 10 - Song For Franz
Fit4Keys - Step 11 - Song For Claus
Fit4Keys - Step 12 - Song for Ryan
Fit4Keys - Step 13 - Song For Barbara
Fit4Keys - Step 14 - Song For Flora
Fit4Keys - Step 15 - Song for Juliana
Fit4Keys - Step 16 - Song for Johan
Fit4Keys - Step 17 - Song for Corona
Fit4Keys - Step 18 - Song for Luna

Fit4Keys Piano - From Past To Future (New piano voice and effect)


Only the file name has been changed for all multipads, as the system reverb always depends on the style or midi file selected.

We recommend an update for the Orchestral Multipads because there are also Registrations that are linked to some of the Multipads - and the file name must match here. Otherwise, you can simply continue to use the Genos files.

Orchestral Multipads 4-4 - Harpsichord + Piano
Orchestral Multipads 3-4 - Harpsichord + Piano
Orchestral Multipads 6-8 - Harpsichord-Piano

Rhythmical Multipads 1 - Universell
Rhythmical Multipads 2 - Synthetische Musik

Handclap Multipads
Ring and Telephone Multipads
Spooky Multipads

4-4 Drum Rolls



With these arranged Midifiles, you could only make the sound worse - update not necessary.
If you want, you can revoice yourself with other voices or effects, for example using the Midifile Optimizer from Midiland.

A Hohjaga
A jeder Depp hot heut a App
Am Baggersee
Auf geht's
Auf'm Weg zu dir
Bei uns dahoam
Bleib bei mir
Da Abschied kimmt
Da Schurli, da Peter und i
Das ist lange her
Der Beste (Verdammt hart, der Beste zu sein)
Des Lebn is net gerecht
Die Liebe is sche
Dirndl suchst an Mann ("Dirndl suachst an Mo")
Drum liab i di
Du lässt mir keine Ruh
Eviva - here we are
Eviva Austria
Frisch verliebt
Früher oder später
Gmiatlich Boarisch
Gut gelaunt
Gute Reise
Hättest Du mal Zeit
Heut geht's wieder lustig zua
Heute und morgen
Hey Amigos!
I bin a Bauernbua
I bin a oider Zigeuner
I wü so bleib'n, wia i bin
Ich bin ein Vagabund
Ich freu mich, dass du da bist
Ich reite in den Süden
Ich schau manchmal zurück
Ich schau so gern in deine Augen
Immer um die Weihnachtszeit
In da' Bauernstub'n
In die Zukunft sehn
Krieg oder Frieden?
Küss die Hand
Mei Oide is a Hur
Mei Oide is die Beste
Mein Weihnachtswunsch
Meine Freundin ist ein Mann
Meiner Musik bleibe ich treu
Mia san Bayern
Ohne di
Philipps Fit-Polka
's Jagaleb'n
Scheiß Computer
Schön, dass es dich gibt
Stad vergeht die Zeit
Stille Zeit
Stoiz aufs Hoamatlond
Traurig aber wahr
Über Stock und Stoa
Unser Bankerl
Unser Leben ist wie eine Reise
Unser Maibam
Urlaub daheim
Weihnacht war noch nie so still
Wenn ich das Christkind wär
Wintertraum und Weihnachtsbaum
Wir gehen durchs Feuer
Wir schaffen das
Ziach und Zupf
Zimmermann Polka


( With Heidrun's compositions = No update necessary, we only have sheet music. They do not depend on the keyboard model)

Beschwingte Winterzeit
Careless Childhood
Der Fluss des Lebens
Der letzte Sommertag
Ein heller Strahl
Ein neuer Tag erwacht
Festlicher Auftakt
Geh mit mir diesen Weg
Kerzenlicht zur Weihnachtszeit
Licht und Schatten
Looking Back To The Good Old Times
Schlafe sanft, mein Herz
Song for Jim
Song For Kate
Sternenklare Winternacht
Traumland (The "Traumland" Registrations are linked with a revoiced Style now! The more completely remixed).
Verdwaalde Vlinder
Vermiss dich - Keyboard Version
Vermiss dich - Piano Duet
Vermiss dich - Solo Piano
Weihnacht, endlich Weihnacht
Wenn dunkle Wolken ziehen
When I Looked In Your Eyes
Wohin der Weg dich führt


Some of the Ensemble Voices have been remixed in terms of volume.
The Registrations have been completely revised and some of them had to be linked to new Preset Styles because Yamaha has rationalized some  of them that have been used since then.

30 Ensemble Voices - Wood and Brass
30 Orchestral Ensemble Voices
50 Ensemble Voices - Arranger Classics
60 Ensemble Voices - Arranger Mix


Only Styles will be changed in these Vocal Packs, if there are better ones now.

Vocal Pack - Alto (Instrumentation, effects and volumes optimized. Partly new Styles. This is for all Vocal Packs.)
Vocal Pack - Baritone
Vocal Pack - Bass
Vocal Pack - Mezzosoprano
Vocal Pack - Tenor

Vocal Pack for Midifiles - Girls (Only the file name had to be updated)

Vocal Pack for Midifiles - Boys - Optimizer Reg (for Midiland Optimizer 12  - new created)
Vocal Pack for Midifiles - Boys - Registrationen (Only the file name had to be updated)
Vocal Pack for Midifiles - Boys - Schalt-Midis

Sheet Music Plus

Ave Verum Corpus
Befiehl du deine Wege - Georg Philipp Telemann
Befiehl du deine Wege - Johann Sebastian Bach
Dein ist mein ganzes Herz
Es ist ein Ros entsprungen
Großer Gott, wir loben dich
Ich bete an die Macht der Liebe
Ich steh an deiner Krippen hier
Lobe den Herren, den mächtigen König
Lobt Gott, ihr Christen alle gleich
Maria durch ein Dornwald ging
Näher, mein Gott, zu dir - Nearer, My God, To Thee
O du fröhliche
O Mio Babbino Caro
Soon May The Wellerman Come
Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht
To A Wild Rose

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