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Produkt-Upgrades If you have bought a new keyboard recently - congratulations! :-)
You may be pleased to see that meanwhile you can upgrade your Soundwonderland software on your new keyboard - free of charge!

Product Upgrades

Our congratulations,...

.. if you recently bought a new keyboard!

Since October 2017 you can update your keyboard-related software free of charge for your subsequent keyboard.

Who can upgrade his Soundwonderland software?

A prerequisite for a product upgrade is that you have already purchased the product from us at a full price.
You will then not receive any special upgrade products, but always the current full version.

What do I need to do to update my products?

Complete the PDF document and send it to Heidrun by mail or letter.
Heidrun will then help you to update your products you have purchased since then.

What do I do if I have lost my Soundwonderland products?

Then simply contact Heidrun. She'll help you get them back.

Is it worthwhile to update the Soundwonderland software?

For Genos2 please look here:

Upgrades for Genos2 necessary?

Tyros, Tyros2, Tyros3  Tyros4, Tyros5, Genos
Yes, absolutely.

Tyros4  Tyros5
Possibly - try Tyros4 products on the Tyros5 first.

Tyros4  Genos

Tyros5  Genos
Only recommended if there is an extra Genos version!
Instrumentation changes or reprogramming do not automatically lead to a better result.
Otherwise you should use the Tyros5 version.

Important for Genos players

Here is the precondition that our product upgrades also work on your keyboard:

Support for Genos players

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